Libya Floods Appeal

Libya Floods Result in 11,000 Casualties

Over 11,000 people have died  and 10,000 are missing after Storm Daniel made landfall in northeast Libya, resulting in strong winds, heavy rainfall and catastrophic flooding on Sunday September 10, 2023. 

Two dams near the eastern city of Derna have collapsed, submerging much of the area. Entire neighborhoods are believed to have been washed away. 

Extensive damage to vital infrastructure, telecommunication networks, roads and bridges is separating families from reuniting in the aftermath and isolating communities from aid. 

Please donate generously  and bring immediate relief to those who need it most.

*Your donation to the  Global Emergencies  fund can help Islamic Relief respond immediately when disaster strikes. Please note that your donation is not specific to our Morocco Earthquake Appeal but rather to a general fund that supports emergency relief efforts across the world.

The Impact of Your Donations: Libya Floods

Islamic Relief is working alongside local partner organizations to continue distributing essentials as part of our disaster relief programming in Libya, as well as establishing development projects to address the long-term needs of flood-affected communities. 

In the eastern Libya regions of Bayda and Derna, we have reached 5,000 people with: 

  • 4,100 blankets and mattresses 
  • 1,100 pillows
  • 1,100 pairs of shoes
  • 220 kitchen utensils and portable stoves
  • 1,100 hygiene kits that include toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, comb, bath soap, towels, and menstrual hygiene products
  • 440 baby items such as diapers and clothing
  • 600 food packs consisting of milk, oil, flour, rice, sugar, tomato puree, cheese, tuna, onion, and potatoes
  • 6,900 litres of clean drinking water
  • 36,000 hot meals

Libya at risk of second humanitarian crisis in aftermath of floods

The Libyan city of Derna faces a second humanitarian crisis in the aftermath of the floods: water contamination. With growing risk of water-borne diseases and shortages of food, shelter and medicine, this is exposing communities to grave health risks.

Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to the transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio. At least 150 people have become sick due to water contamination in the 10 days since the flooding, including 55 children in Derna.

The deadliest flood in North Africa in recent years 

September flooding in Libya is the second deadliest flood North Africa has seen in more than a century, with a death toll in the thousands. The floods have affected several cities, including Al-Bayda, Al-Marj, Tobruk, Takenis, Al-Bayada, and Battah, as well as the eastern coast all the way to Benghazi.

Two dams on the Wadi Derna River burst after heavy rainfall overwhelmed them, sending millions of cubic metres of water downstream, hitting Derna – home to approximately 100,000 people. 

“An entire city is in grief and the psychological impact of people losing their families and homes in a split second is huge. Our partners in Derna met one young girl who saw her mother swept away before her eyes. The girl has barely spoken since and only speaks to ask where her mother is.” 
– Salah Aboulgasem, Islamic Relief’s Deputy Director of Partner Development

Apartment blocks collapsed, a seafront bridge and entire neighbourhoods washed away as water rushed to the sea. Some 20,000 people have been displaced, with a death toll that is continually rising as rescue operations take place. 

People are in urgent need of food, shelter, and support.  Please donate generously  and help save lives.

*Your donation to the  Global Emergencies  fund can help Islamic Relief respond immediately when disaster strikes. Please note that your donation is not specific to our Morocco Earthquake Appeal but rather to a general fund that supports emergency relief efforts across the world.