Where We Work

Donate Sadaqah: Where Most Needed
given where most needed

Introduction to Jordan  

Jordan is home to the lowest point of elevation on Earth, the oldest dam and over 100,000 archeological sites. One of the Seven Wonders of the World is also located in Jordan; Petra was established as the capital of the formerly nomadic Nabataean Arabs. Known as a significant and strategic location connecting Africa, Europe and Asia, Jordan has a fascinating mix of culture and history. 

Considering its strategic location, the 10.3 million populated country is considered the 6th largest refugee hosting country in the world. Jordan is estimated to host 672,000 Syrian refugees who sought asylum due to the ongoing Syrian civil war. 

This influx of refugees has increased the competition in the labor market, causing a decrease in wages and an increase in poverty. Drastic living conditions and lack of income generation has led to an increase in negative coping strategies including child labor, early marriages, and reduced food intake. 

As a result of the refugee crisis, resources are stretched to a breaking point. Little or no access to water, electricity, and a safe home increases the risk of disease and injury, jeopardizing people’s health, safety and lives.

Why do the people of Jordan need your support?  

For people across Jordan, life is incredibly challenging:

  • The country has registered more than 2 million Palestinian refugees and 655,000 Syrian refugees (UNRWA & UNHCR) 
  • Jordan has a national poverty rate of 15.7 percent (World Bank DataBank, 2020) 
  • 53% or 3 million Jordanians are vulnerable to food insecurity (OCHA, 2020) 
  • The number of households experiencing emergency or crisis levels of livelihood-based negative coping strategies increased by 260% (World Food Programme, 2020)

Islamic Relief in Jordan  

Islamic Relief started its work in Jordan in 1997. With operations in Amman, Irbid, Mafraq, Zarqa’a and Jerash, Islamic Relief Canada implements emergency interventions to meet the immediate needs of the most vulnerable, as well as sustainable development projects to improve livelihoods. 

Through our Education and Shelter Support for Syrian Refugees and Host communities project, we ensure all children have access to quality education by providing remedial classes. We are also increasing access to psychosocial programming and empowering women to generate sustainable income through business training sessions. 

Further support to host and refugee communities include education and shelter support, and livelihood support to women headed households and other vulnerable families. This includes the provision of informal education to children, awareness sessions on gender-based violence to women and cash-based rent support to these families to prevent negative coping strategies.

Our work in the Jerash and Irbid Palestinian Refugee Camps provides environmentally-friendly heating and water systems to ensure sustainable and clean access to water. We are installing solar water heating systems and water-saving devices for vulnerable Palestinian refugee and Jordanian households. 

Alongside long term development projects, we also provide seasonal support through our Qurbani, Ramadan, and winterization projects. Beyond food aid in the winter season, Islamic Relief Canada also provides essential items such as fuel, blankets and cash. 

Your donations in action  

Nadwa is a single mother of 6 children who fled Syria in hopes of a better life in Jordan. Her 10 and 8 year old children sold tissues and collected bread and cans in order to make a living. Her family of 7 share 2 rooms in a house that leaks water, and where winters are harsh without heating due to insufficient funds to buy gas. 

Her children love school and don’t want to drop out to work on the streets to make ends meet. Nadwa’s 2 eldest children also suffer from thalassemia and require healthy and nutritious food to fight the blood disorder. Often, she cannot afford to buy nutritious food or medication for her kids. 

Our Integrated Resilience project provided Nadwa with cash assistance to pay rent and buy food for her family. She no longer sends her kids outside to generate income, giving them the opportunity to attend school full time and dream of a future outside of their home! 

Through this initiative, Islamic Relief also provided vocational training in design, marketing and financial management. These sessions allowed Nadwa to gain the confidence to open up her own sewing business with a friend, providing a means for income generation. 

Nadwa shares,

“My advice for women is that although we are suffering, we need to overcome these challenges to start a new life as the mother, worker or successful person we dream of.  Every woman should have a goal to reach despite all the obstacles in our paths .

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