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can provide food for a family for a month
“Whoever saves the life of one, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind”
(Qur’an 5:32)

When an emergency strikes, Islamic Relief aims to be the first on the ground, providing emergency relief and helping those affected immediately. When floods, droughts or earthquakes happen, we’re there: providing life-saving food, water, shelter, medicine and other essential items to families who have lost everything.

More than 90% of natural disaster-related deaths occur in developing countries

Emergencies place entire communities in jeopardy with devastating long-term effects. Our Global Emergencies Fund works to ensure that we can respond to events as quickly as possible, within 72 hours in fact, and assist with the recovery to help rebuild lives.

Across the globe, climate change is increasingly affecting communities, leaving families suffering the effects of weather-related natural disasters and devastating entire communities. Left with limited or no access to clean water, shelter, power or food, affected families’ lives are turned upside down.

In cases of conflict, more and more people are displaced from their homes as violence forces families to flee and leave everything behind. Sadly though, it’s society’s poorest who are most vulnerable to the effects of conflict and natural and climate-based disasters. These communities have lower resilience to withstand shock and less access to life saving tools such as early warning systems, earthquake-resistant shelter and lack sufficient health and education services.

Emergency Response, Resilience and Recovery

To keep communities safe we help them prepare for potential disaster and if tragedy should strike we’re straight on the ground. When the crisis is over, we’re also on hand to help communities recover from the devastation and get back on their feet. Here’s how:

  • Resilience: We develop school safety plans, advocate for the use of building codes, promote climate adaptive technology and plant trees in cyclone affected areas
  • Response: When an emergency strikes we supply food, water, shelter, medicine, hygiene kits, kitchen sets, buckets, blankets, tarpaulins and tents
  • Recovery: We build shelters, rehabilitate existing water points, provide livelihood assistance, support orphans, provide informal education and offer psychosocial support

By donating to our Global Emergencies Fund, you can help ensure we have a contingency fund that can be used to prepare communities for disaster so that when an emergency hits, the impact on people’s lives is reduced. Communities are able to respond immediately and with the support of Islamic Relief, save and rebuild lives – without our teams having to launch a public appeal.

Support our Emergency Response efforts. Donate Now and help save lives.  

Choose an amount to give
can provide food for a family for a month

Saving lives

Here at Islamic Relief, we’re saving lives in over 40 countries across the globe. In conflict zones such as Syria and Yemen, we’re on the ground reaching places where many other organizations cannot. Since the outbreak of conflict in Syria, the global Islamic Relief family has delivered over $490 million of aid to support communities in need, as well as serving refugee populations in neighbouring countries such as Lebanon and Jordan.

In Yemen, where conflict continues to destroy an already struggling nation, we’re on the ground in 19 of the country’s 22 governorates, providing essential food aid to families at risk of famine and facing extensive food insecurity.

In flooded countries like Bangladesh, we’re helping communities to recover from and become resilient against disaster. We’re raising houses on plinths so the water doesn’t reach homes and destroy them, protecting communities for years to come.

In drought-stricken countries like Niger, we’re building long-lasting wells and plant crops which can survive in dry weather, so families won’t starve. Across the globe, we’re serving communities in need – we’re saving and transforming lives.

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