
Where We Work

Donate Sadaqah: Where Most Needed
given where most needed

Introduction to Kenya  

Kenya is a country located in Eastern Africa with a diverse population of 47.6 million speaking over 68 different languages. Kenya is known for its wildlife scene and has been dubbed the World’s Leading Safari Destination. Kenya houses gorgeous scenery including The Great Rift Valley and Africa’s second highest mountain, Mount Kenya. 

Kenya has experienced significant political, social, and economic success in the past decade, however, poverty, inequality, and climate change are still prominent factors within the country. Almost half the population of Kenya is living below the poverty line, with recurrent droughts severely impacting the poorest communities. 

Over a quarter of the economy is dependent on agriculture and the effect of poor rainy seasons on livestock and crops has been staggeringly high. Lack of pasture, crop failure and low food commodity volumes continue to hamper access to food. As a result of extreme weather events, conflict and disease outbreak, 3.4 million people have been left acutely food insecure and many Kenyans face an uncertain future.

Why do the people of Kenya need your support?  

For people across Kenya, life is incredibly challenging: 

  • 1.3 million people are severely food insecure (USAID, 2020) 
  • Only 29% of the population has access to basic sanitation (UNICEF Kenya, 2020)
  • 204,000 IDPs as a result of disasters (iDMC, 2020)
  • Only 3.5% of the population had university education as the highest level completed (Statista, 2019)

Islamic Relief in Kenya  

Islamic Relief began working in Kenya in 1993, eventually establishing a head office in Nairobi and sub-offices throughout Kilifi, Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera. Ever since, Islamic Relief has branched out from orphan sponsorship and emergency aid to support integrated development activities in various sectors, including livelihood, disaster risk reduction, and WASH. 

Islamic Relief Canada currently has programs in Kilifi, Wajir and Garissa counties to help vulnerable communities build livelihood, access clean water, and increase resilience to climate events. 

The Emergency Response for Drought Stricken Families aims to deliver two rounds of unconditional cash transfers, provide 6 water storage tanks to schools and hospitals, and supply livestock and feed supplements to families in the Wajir and Garissa counties. The cash transfers will provide a dignified mechanism for families to address their basic needs. 

Our one year education project is being implemented in two primary schools in Kilifi, impacting 767 children. The project aims to improve educational infrastructure, enhance the learning environment, school retention, advocate on child protection rights, as well as create a culture of environmental conservation.

Your donations in action

Halima is a 40 year old woman residing in Kenya, who has survived on subsistence farming to feed her family of 5. However, with consecutive years of drought, famine and tropical storms, Halima’s ability to generate income through farming was drastically impacted. 

As the sole earner in her family, she knew she had to turn this adversity into an opportunity. She joined Islamic Relief’s farmer group, which pooled their resources to introduce new technologies that allowed participants to produce higher-valued crops at much larger yields. Through her willingness to learn, Halima became a successful business farmer. 

She has also been able to generate other streams of income through herding cattle, making mats and even selling produce from her farm, all in order to provide for her five children. Through this project, Halima was able to change the lives of her family as they are now generating more income at minimal costs and low water consumption.

Halima determinedly shares,   

“I want to change my life and that of my children by farming using the new technology. With commitment, determination and hard work, I believe I will start a new page in my life and can see a prosperous life ahead.”

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