Press Release: The Canadian Government must act immediately and publicly condemn Israel’s offensive into Rafah before more lives are lost.

7 May, 2024

May 7th, 2024 -  Islamic Relief Canada has launched its latest campaign, “Rafah Under Attack” demanding the Canadian government  take immediate action in condemning Israel's latest offensive into Rafah. 

Over 1 million people are taking shelter in Rafah after fleeing their homes and have nowhere to go after being told to leave immediately by Israel.

An Islamic Relief aid worker on the ground says:

“People are in need of everything, but one thing above all else: an end to this war. We know once the war ends, we will be waking up to a new kind of unprecedented horror as we begin the task of rebuilding our shattered lives and communities, but we accept that and pray that the war stops right now. An end to the war would mean that we could slowly restart our lives. We could try to return home, try to find our belongings under the rubble, check the broken windows, and try to stand arm in arm and help one another.”

Seven months have now passed with over 34,700 killed, including over 14,000 children and over 8000 women. Approximately 1.5 million people have been displaced and squeezed into Rafah as they are continuously told to evacuate from their homes. 

The human death toll is staggering and should sound the alarm for immediate action from the Canadian Government. Canada's stance on the situation in Rafah should reflect its commitment to humanitarian values, including the protection of civilians, respect for human rights, and the pursuit of peace. 

Islamic Relief is also calling on the government to revoke all export permits to Israel, demanding accountability for the appalling loss of civilian lives, and halting all weapons exports to ensure that Canadian arms are not complicit in violations of international law. 

Please contact [email protected] or the Media and Campaigns Lead Mashaal Saeed at [email protected] or at 647-919-1580 to coordinate interviews. 

About Islamic Relief Canada
Islamic Relief Canada is a registered charity in Canada that works in more than 40 countries to provide humanitarian relief and build resilient, prosperous communities. Visit for more information.
