Statement: Words must become action: Islamic Relief Canadas response to UN Security Council resolution

25 March, 2024

(March 25th, 2024):  It has taken far too long but finally, the United Nations Security Council has listened to the pleas from Gaza and around the world and called for an immediate ceasefire for the rest of Ramadan.   

We welcome this step, but words mean little until they are turned into action. Now UN member states must ensure that the resolution becomes reality on the ground, and becomes permanent.

People in Gaza are starving to death, and Israel continues to obstruct humanitarian aid from entering. Earlier today, Israel announced it will refuse UNRWA aid convoys access into northern Gaza, where people are most desperate for food, making famine even more likely.  

The resolution calls for a ceasefire for Ramadan, but a pause during the remaining two weeks of the holy month will not be enough to save lives and avoid famine. Only a lasting ceasefire and an end to Israel’s siege can do that. World leaders must step up the pressure and use all levers available to them, such as suspending arms sales, to ensure compliance with today’s resolution. This must not be yet another UN resolution that is ignored by the Israeli government – it must be one by which they are held to account.  
