Orphan Charity: Save a child’s life today
This Ramadan, your Sadaqah and Zakat can help us save orphans and transform the lives of vulnerable children around the world.
For many orphaned children, the reality of poverty is a daily burden. Left wondering: where will my next meal come from? Where are we going to live? If we get sick and can’t afford medicine…will we survive? Every day is a challenge.
Deprived of their education, health care and safe places to play and grow, orphaned kids are incredibly vulnerable and face a bleak future. They need critical care and support – and that’s where Islamic Relief comes in.
For just $90/month
you can sponsor an orphan today and change their life forever.
The Prophet ﷺ has said“The best house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are well-treated. The worst house is the one in which orphans are ill-treated.”– Bukhari
Sponsor an Orphan
Through a one-to-one model of ongoing financial support, you can sponsor an orphan and care for their basic needs and wellbeing.
Your monthly donation is life-saving, and helps to ensure that they have a safe home, food to eat, and access to health care and education.
For just $90/month you can sponsor an orphan today and change their life forever.
How Does Orphan Sponsorship Work?
As a donor, you will be paired on a true 1-1 basis with an orphan in need. Your monthly gift is sent to our field offices on a quarterly basis for immediate distribution to the same orphan, to uplift their life and help change their future.
As an orphan sponsor, we’ll send you
An initial biodata report that shows the current status of your orphan as well as
An annual progress report.
Our case workers take great care to get to know each orphan and their family. They conduct regular home visits to ensure a safe environment and that funds are utilized correctly.
Your sponsorship allows for the life of the same orphan to be continuously transformed long term, which means they are able to truly rise above their circumstances, gain the opportunities they deserve, and build a better life for themselves and their families.
Our Orphan Sponsorship Program reaches orphans in nearly 25 countries around the world, including: Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Lebanon, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Pakistan, Palestine (Gaza), Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen
About Ahmed Abbas Foundation
Ahmed Abbas was a young man of patience, strength and unwavering faith. His signature smile could light up any room; his ability to smile through difficulty made him a hero to many. Although he was diagnosed with leukemia at the young age of 4, he lived a life of many experiences and adventures in his 13 years.
He was a young boy with huge dreams, not limited by his condition. He loved playing hockey with his brothers and dreamed of becoming a doctor one day. Ahmed’s happiness radiated through his connections with friends and family. He didn’t let his condition weaken his hope, no matter how much pain he endured.
Following his passing in 2009, the Ahmed Abbas Foundation (AAF) was established. The Ahmed Abbas foundation, in collaboration with Islamic Relief, strives to continue on Ahmed’s legacy. Even at his young age, he wanted to help anyone he could, especially his brothers and sisters in Islam.