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Fundraise for an important cause

Each year, Islamic Relief Canada makes a significant impact on communities around the world. This space could be used to talk about any quantative data on how volunteering with IRC makes an impact or about how there’s many different ways to get involved with IRC.

Islamic Relief was built upon the hard work and dedication of selfless volunteers and we believe volunteering can be of positive and of mutual benefit to the organization and the individual. As such, we are committed to investing in and supporting volunteers!

Let’s get started!

1.) Pick a cause/project that you want to support. Choose from our following communities:

2.) Start creating your Campaign page!

  1. Set a goal with a set timeline
  2. Add a description/message of why you are doing this and some information on the cause you’ve chosen, how will the donations help the people in need (usually can find this information on the website or contact us!)
  3. Use an appealing picture that represents your campaign, you can also include a video to keep your audience more engaged!
  4. Add lgirc(at)islamicreliefcanada.org as a member to further provide you support if needed

3.) Submit for approval. It may take up to 72 hours for your page to be approved. You may email lgirc(at)islamicreliefcanada.org for expedited approval

4.) Share! Share with your friends and family using all social media platforms, word of mouth, emails, and more!

If you require any resources/material such as creatives for your campaign, infographics, messaging templates, email lgirc(at)islamicreliefcanada.org

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