November 8 Vigil at Nathan Phillips Square to Honour Lives of Children Killed in Gaza

8 novembre, 2023

Toronto, ON: November 8th, 2023 – Yesterday marks one month since the beginning of intense violence leading to the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The United Nations has called Gaza a “children’s graveyard.” Over 4,880 children are among the over 10,000 civilians killed over the past month as a result of indiscriminate bombing in Gaza. Islamic Relief Canada, alongside leading humanitarian organizations, is coming together at Nathan Phillips Square on November 8 at 5 p.m. to grieve the innocent lives lost and to demand an urgent ceasefire to prevent further civilian death.

As violence only intensifies and food and water become more scarce, humanitarian organizations and community members fear that the number of children killed will only drastically climb in the days and weeks to come. This event underscores the humanitarian sector's call for a permanent ceasefire to prevent further loss of life and to prioritize the safety and well-being of all civilians, especially children. 

The gathering aims to pay tribute to the thousands of children killed by representing each one through a display of children’s shoes and toys laid out across the square. The stark representation of these shoes and toys is a poignant reminder of the devastating toll the violence has had on innocent children in Gaza, as well as the collective sorrow of our communities. There will also be a projection of the words “Ceasefire Now” onto the wall, highlighting the humanitarian sector's urgency in this call.

Speakers include Palestinian Islamic Relief Canada staff Rola Alshaer, Save the Children CEO Danny Glenwright, Rabbi David Mivasair from Independent Jewish Voices, Indigenous speaker Bri, professor of neurology Dr Maher Saqqur and Palestinian artist & singer Nemahis.

Endorsing organizations for this event include Oxfam, HCI, UOSSM, Save the Children, Action for Humanity, Penny Appeal Canada, IDRF and Hands for Charity.

To coordinate interviews with Islamic Relief Canada, please contact [email protected] or Mashaal Saeed at [email protected] or 647-919-1580. 

About Islamic Relief Canada
Islamic Relief Canada is a registered charity in Canada that works in more than 40 countries to provide humanitarian relief and build resilient, prosperous communities. Visit for more information.
