RIS 2023


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can provide a family with life-saving food



Palestinians indiscriminately killed



Children orphaned and without support



people displaced from their homes

Send Relief for Gaza

Gaza has now endured over two months of intense bombardment and 75 years of Israeli occupation, subjected to indiscriminate attacks, ongoing blockade, starvation diet, and mass killing of civilians in the most densely-populated place on earth.

Yet another generation of Palestinians are facing brutal violence and unimaginable conditions, stuck in a nightmare like no other. 

Islamic Relief has been responding every day since the escalations began. We are working together with local partners in Gaza to provide emergency medical aid, food support, clean water, hygiene kits, and group therapy activities for children. But supplies are very low, we need your support to continue sustaining distributions on a mass scale as new aid is allowed in. 

In the face of ethnic cleansing and imminent genocide, the Palestinian people have not lost hope. They stand ready for a new, liberated future. Let us stand in solidarity with them. 

Help us provide urgent relief and continue saving lives. 

Choose an amount to give
can provide a family with life-saving food

Send Your Email Now for Gaza

As of Dec. 12th, Canada has finally joined the international chorus calling for a ceasefire. While this is a necessary first step – concrete and immediate action is imperative to ensure the safety and survival of the people of Gaza.

UN experts are warning against ethnic cleansing and even imminent genocide in Gaza. 

The time for Canada to decisively intervene and take tangible measures to ensure the safety and well-being of Palestinians is now. It is not just a moral imperative but an urgent humanitarian and legal necessity. 

Email your local representative and let them know that Canada must exhaust every means in its power to call for an immediate permanent ceasefire and an end to the bombings in Gaza. 

Sponsor an Orphan

Every orphan living in a disaster zone or under poverty is a child deprived of their basic rights and protection. The ground beneath their young feet is no longer as solid as it seems, and they see no promise of stability in sight, no safe path forward.

But YOU have the power to change this. 

Through a 1-1 model of monthly financial support, you can sponsor an orphan and care for their basic needs and well-being. Your monthly donation is life-saving and helps ensure they have a safe home, food to eat, and access to health care and education.

For just $90/month, you can sponsor an orphan today and change their life forever.

Choose an amount to give

How Does it Work?

As a donor, you will be paired on a true 1-1 basis with an orphan in need from one of the 20+ countries that our program is present in. We’ll send you 1) an initial biodata report that shows the current status of your orphan, as well as 2) an annual progress report every 12-15 months. 

Your monthly gift will be sent to our field offices on a quarterly basis to reach this same orphan, which allows for their life to be continuously transformed long term. To learn more about our program, see common FAQ here.

Thank you for your support, and for bringing relief and hope this RIS!