Islamic Relief Canada Statement on the ICJ Order

26 janvier, 2024

January 26th, 2024 - Today, the ICJ called on Israel to take "all measures within its power" to prevent genocide in Gaza. After South Africa put forward allegations against Israel, accusing it of carrying out a state-led genocide, the ICJ has ruled that the court has jurisdiction and will move forward to adjudicate the case in the coming months.

Given the gravity and severity of the current situation, in the interim, the court says Israel must take more measures to protect Palestinians, prevent and punish incitement to genocide, and must allow humanitarian aid into Gaza.

While South Africa has responded positively, calling this a "decisive victory" for the international rule of law, the ICJ stopped short of calling for an end to the violence in Gaza. Islamic Relief continues to urge Canada and the international community to work towards an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Only a ceasefire will allow humanitarian operations to resume and critical, life-saving assistance to reach those in need.

There is not a moment to lose. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is absolutely catastrophic, with 1 in every 25 people now injured or killed and the death toll rising every day. Mass famine is looming, with hundreds of thousands of people facing starvation and children eating leaves to survive. Diseases are rapidly spreading as shelters are desperately overcrowded with hundreds of people sharing a single toilet and no clean water.

People urgently need food, water, fuel, medicine and other essential supplies. The ruling’s requirement for aid to reach those who need it will only be possible with a ceasefire and an end to Israel’s siege.
