Zakat Catalogue

Donate your Zakat today. View our catalogue for Zakat eligible projects , and fulfill your obligation knowing your Zakat is in trusted hands

    Give Your Zakat to Trusted Hands

    We know your Zakat is an Amanah, and we take that trust very seriously. At Islamic Relief Canada, we want to ensure giving your Zakat is a transparent and trusted experience for you!

    This is why we’ve highlighted some of our Zakat-funded work below to help you understand the real impact of your Zakat with Islamic Relief. Please note however, that all donations collected through this catalogue will be pooled together to fund all our Zakat projects at large. This ensures that all Zakat funds can be distributed in the most efficient and effective manner.


    Choose your Cause

    Pick a category to support that resonates with you. 

    Donate your Zakat

    Give online or call us to donate your Zakat.

    Follow your Donation

    Get an update from us summarizing the impact of your Zakat.

    Select any category closest to your heart and give your amount with confidence knowing that your Zakat is transforming lives in all the ways listed here.

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    What Does Zakat in Trusted Hands Mean?


    Did you know? We follow a scholar-verified Zakat Policy to ensure our Zakat activities have maximum impact and are executed in full accordance with the teachings of Islam.

    What’s a scholar-verified policy? It’s our policy to ensure Islamic principles are consistently adhered to every step of the way, from project design and community fundraising discussions to project implementation. Ultimately, it enables us to fulfill our obligation and the trust we owe to you as a donor in the best way possible. 

    At Islamic Relief, your Zakat is not just a simple transaction but rather a means to uplift and transform. We identify those well below Nisab, working with the poorest of the poor and the most vulnerable to help bring immediate relief, alleviate poverty and protect the rights of those in need. 

    You can trust that each of the listed projects in this catalogue has a zakat-eligible component, funding some of our most crucial work with people and communities living in disaster, poverty and conflict zones.

    Give Zakat By Country

    Choose between Zakat projects across the countries we serve, and give with certainty that your Zakat is transforming lives!

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